Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Strategies for Businesses & Organizations
Transform your workplace by identifying hidden barriers to success and interrupting the unconscious bias that causes them and prevents diversity from thriving.
What People Are Saying About Kathleen’s Presentations
I’ve attended many D&I programs but found yours the best. The presenter was well-qualified to present the issues, yet her style and examples provided the grace and sensitivity for learning, not defensiveness or guilt.
I thought the CLE program yesterday was top notch. I have done a bunch of these bias courses and Kathleen was the absolute best.
Take A Free Assessment
I offer two free assessments that can help your firm or organization identify hidden barriers to advancement, as well as gauge how your team stacks up on diversity & inclusion.
Watch My TEDxCU Talk
- Outsmart Your Unconscious Biases –Wealth Strategies Journal, September 2021
- Walk the Talk on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (Inclusive Leader Behaviors)– For the Defense Magazine, September 2020
- Get Over the Why Hurdle – For the Defense Magazine, September 2018
- Do Law Firm Communications About Law Firm Diversity and Inclusion Efforts Affect Retention of Attorneys in Underrepresented Groups? – American Bar Association, Litigation Section, Diversity & Inclusion, May 2017
- Interrupt Unconscious Bias Through Inclusion Nudges – For the Defense Magazine, May 2017
- Strategies for Confronting Unconscious Bias – The Federal Lawyer, January-February 2017
- Strategies for Confronting Unconscious Bias – The Colorado Lawyer, May 2016
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
February 18 – Colorado Golf Assn.
March 13 – Houston Assn. Legal Administrators
April 17 – Rhode Island Bar Association
Going All-In: The Law Firm Leader’s Playbook
Going All-In on Diversity and Inclusion is for law firm leaders who want to promote inclusiveness initiatives to make diversity sustainable, so their firms can reap all the benefits of a diverse workforce. Unlike traditional diversity efforts, inclusiveness initiatives require firm leaders to go “All-In,” meaning:
- My-In: A full commitment by leaders, plus action to uncover hidden barriers to success;
- Buy-In: Gaining the support and participation of others in the firm; and
- Tie-In: Making diversity and inclusion, through structural changes, a part of the DNA of the organization.